Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Godzilla vs. King Kong Competition is On!

With nine veteran owners on the Godzilla Team and twelve new owners on the King Kong Team, this competition is bound to be fierce, especially with the competitive spirit among all of the individuals! Julie Edmonds, president of LNE has officially kicked off this company wide contest, which will last through the last week of January.

To win, the Godzilla Team must increase their average office profit by $3,500 weekly and the King Kong Team must increase by $3,000 collectively. The team with the highest average increase will be named The Annihilator!

The prizes will range from gift cards to Best Buy and a copy of the movie Godzilla vs. King Kong to unlimited bragging rights. To gain a visual of this competition, check out this YouTube video -

To add to the competitive fight, the contest is now extended to the office administration teams! The administrator of the winning team will recieve $300 bonus by hitting 90% of the goals set for three weeks in a row.
Can’t wait to see how the competition progresses and who wins!! Good luck to all!