Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Notes from LNE's Annual Organizational Meeting, Win in 2010


Thursday, November 12, 2009

LNE Consulting, Inc. Hosts Annual Organizational Meeting

Press Release on LNE's Annual Organizational Meeting held on the weekend of November 13, 2009.


Wednesday, November 11, 2009

LNE Launches Official Website

LNE Consulting, Inc. is excited to annouce the launch of its website, http://www.lneconsultinginc.com/. LNE has been in business since 1997 and has continually grown throughout the continental United States since. This launch allows clients to stay informed as the company continues to evolve.

The site is divided into four sections, allowing viewers to have full insight into the company. The Industry section gives an overview of LNE's goals and mission. An introduction to the president, Julie Edmonds, allows the public to get to know the individual responsible for leading LNE to success. A contact section lets individuals who want more information to get in touch with the company directly, whether potential clients or those looking to join LNE.

LNE Consulting, Inc. is very proud of the accomplishments its team has had so far and looks to make sure that those individuals recieve the recognition they deserve.With this website, the public keeps informed of all accomplishments made and goals attained. The purpose of the new website is to help keep the public aware of all efforts the company has to continue growth. This launch will help to continue improvements within the company, for the team of LNE and for the business customers receiving the services. Much like the training provided, LNE believes keeping open communication is the key and hopes the website can contribute to this year’s growth.

Visit http://www.lneconsultinginc.com/ today!